"Always together forever until the end of this run on...."


We are not, “meant to be,” with anyone. For some, the idea of having a companion, a friend to navigate the world, is enthralling. For others, it is daunting and unobtainable. Some are so insecure while trying to find their, “soul mate,” they become obsessed, with an easier softer way: Control your partner.

The need to control others is voiced as an altruistic action. We are only here to, “help,” make our partner, “better.” We silently take note of all the things we do that are, “worthwhile,” and, “contributing,” in respect to our relationship(s). While simultaneously cataloguing our partner’s faults, and shortcomings. These notes are taken for the sole purpose of articulating how hopeless our situation is; Relationships never work.

We will go as far as changing a word from, “sometimes,” to, “always,” just so we can say, “I told you so!” The, “so,” we are so emphatically referring to?

I’ll never be happy… and it’s all your fault!”

We create an unbeatable case against our partner. This only adds to our contempt when the dust settles, and court is over. The time and energy we put into making our case creates a deafening cognitive dissonance that brings us to our next unfortunate reality; The evidence exonerating us of wrong doing only exists, here. In this case.”

The idea of, “moving on,” and, “starting over,” becomes overwhelming, The years of research you put into picking apart your partners faults… futile?

Staying with someone who no longer suits you, the lesser of two evils. C’est la vie.

Life goes on…